How Long has the sea exsist
5.3 Million years
Is the pacific ocean the biggest ocean in the world ?
Yes,it is
What is the biggest ocean
The pacific ocean
What is the min. Temperatur
tip: 6-18 c
Name on countrie that Bord the sea p
portugal ?romania ?or China
Name a Animal in the pacific ocean
Blue Wale,Dolphins,Galapagos Penguins,sea turtle
What is an ocean ?
An ocean is when a sea is so lange that it separates Continents
What is the surface area
Is the mediterrane sea popular?
Yes it is
Plants of the pacific ocean ?
Seaweed ?Kelp?Tress?
Seaweed and kelp
What is the smallest ocean
The artic ocean
What is the average depth
What is the deepest Point
5121 m
In what year the ocean has been find ?
Name the 5 oceans .
Atlantic ocean ,Pacific ocean,Indian ocean ,Artic ocean
What is the Max length
960 km
Name 3 largest animals
The Blue whale ,the fin whale ,the shark