The average yearly salary in the Atlantic Maritime is
What is $50,000-$70,000 per year.
Animals found in this ecozone
The percent of people unemployed in the Atlantic Maritime
What is 7.5%-13.8% are unemployed
The most common fish is
What is Atlantic Herring
The most common forest type is
What is mixed decidious-confierous forests.
Tourism generates how much per year in the Atlantic Maritime
What is $7.3 billion per year
Animals affect this ecozone by
What is an impact on the environment, economy and culture
The population of the Atlantic maritime
What is over 2 million
The amount of people working in this industry
What is 25,000 jobs in the fishing industry
The amount of jobs in the forestry industry
What is 17,000 jobs
This Generates the most money in the Atlantic Maritime
What is forestry and fishing
The amount of different plants species in the Atlantic Maritime
What is 20,000 different plant species in the Atlantic forests
This human activity is the most common in the Atlantic maritime
What is whale watching, fishing and lumbering
The place we export the most fish to
What is the USA and China
Atlantic maritime provinces make how much from forestry per day
What is $13.7 Million per day
This tourist cite generates the most money
What is Cabot trail, Peggy's cove, Bay of fundy
The amount of invasive plants and animals in the Atlantic maritime
What is over 20 different species
The amount of people working a natural resource related job
What is 42,000 people working in naturel recourse relayed jobs
The amount of money made in the fishing industry per year
What is over $2.5 billion per year
This much wood is harvested per year in the Atlantic maritime
What is about 3 million cubic meters
The amount of money the government makes from taxes in the Atlantic maritime
Wha is $30.5 billion annually
What is the Emerald Ash Borer
The affect humans have on this ecozone are
What is Climate change, urbanization, pollution, decline in marine life and deforestation.
The best solution to overfishing is
What is implementing quotas and catching limits per day
Forestry is mostly used for this
What is wood manufacturing products (2x4, planks)