What's a topology is used mostly today?
Star topology
What is cyberbullying?
Cyberbullying is, when someone uses technology to harres, embrasses, or target another person.
What's a trademark?
any word, phrase, symbol, design, or a combination of these things that identifies your goods or services.
What is the CPU?
The CPU or Central Processing Unit can be thought of as the brain of the computer.
What is a Niche?
A segment of a larger market that has a specific target audience.
What are the 3 topologies?
Star topology, Ring topology, Mesh topology
is bullying someone without the use of technology still
considered cyberbullying?
What is copyright?
a type of intellectual property that provides legal protection for original works of authorship.
What is the Motherboard?
The motherboard is the circuit board that connects everything together — your hardware, the power supply and the graphics cards
What does a niche do in bussiness?
a very specific segment of consumers who share characteristics and, because of those characteristics, are likely to buy a particular product or service.
Which topology still works even if one computer stops working?
Star topology.
What is a empathizer?
An empathizer is, someone who understands, or be sensitive to other’s feelings, or idea.
what is patent?
a right granted for an invention that is new and useful.
What is the computer mouse?
A computer mouse is a hand-held pointing device that detects two-dimensional motion relative to a surface
What is a example of a niche?
women's shoes market there are niches for eco-friendly shoes, orthopedic shoes, or hiking boots.
Which topology is hardly used today?
Ring topology
What is a upstander?
an upstand is, someone who chooses to support a person who is being bullyed, or anything bad happing to them.
what is sole proprietorship?
a non-registered, unincorporated business run solely by one individual proprietor with no distinction between the business and the owner
What are some examples of input devices?
keyboard, mouse, and touch screen
what can a niche do in business?
help a company fit the needs of specific consumers.
a type of network configuration where devices are connected in a circular manner, forming a closed loop. Which topology is this?
Ring topology
What is a bystander?
A bystander is, someone who watches a situation, or event.
What is profit?
the money a business pulls in after accounting for all expenses.
What is an example of output?
monitors, printers, speakers, projectors
Why is niche important?
helps you establish a loyal customer base.