سانك يوو فيري مشش
عسل أسود
Which animal can mimic human speech
The Parrot
What is the capital of Sudan
Smack that, all on the floor
Smack that, give me some more
Smack that, til you get sore
4 squares with 4 colors
يا عيني على الحلو لمل تبهدله الايام
Which bird is known for its elaborate courtship and colorful feathers
What is the largest desert in the world
Come up to meet you, tell ya I'm sorry
You don't know how lovely you are
I had to find you, tell ya I need you
Tell you I set you apart
3 silver diamonds
قوانا ١٠٠ مره نسمع كلام الحلو بس مانصدقهوش.. مانصدقهوش
رمضان مبروك ابو العلمين حمودة
What animal has no heart and no brain but can still hunt
Which country has the most world heritage sites
حد بالبراءة دي ما فيش
ولا في الغلاوة دي أنا ما عنديش
أنا كل ليكي ما تكدبيش
عينيكي قلبي عقلي روحي عمري
4 letters red blue yellow green
لو سمحت، انا خدني الحنين بعد السنين جبني هنا .. ارجع منين بقا؟
اسف على الإزعاج
What type of animal can be frozen multiple times without dying
The Wood Frog
Which country is the only country to have a flag not rectangular
If the world was ending
I'd wanna be next to you
If the party was over
And our time on Earth was through
I'd wanna hold you just for a while
And die with a smile
Yellow/orange short pants socks and shoes with a black circular head
قوليلي يا محاميحو
الواد محروس بتاع الوزير
Which mammal has the thickest fur in the animal kingdom
The sea otter
What river flows through the most countries
Danube River Basin
ليه بحبها ما هي ماضي عدى وانتهى؟
وإن سيبتها تمشي بترجع وحدها
وساعات أنا بشتاقلها فأندهلها
ليه بحن ليها وأعيش عليها؟ مفيش إجابة عرفتها
Red circle and in white are one eye, nose and a mouth