Andes mountain range is the longest in the world
What is true or false
Worlds highest mountain
What is mount everest
Most populated country
What is China
Largest country on earth
What is Russia
true or false: the equator passes through Brazil.
Highest lake in the world by water level
What is Lake Titicaca
Worlds longest river by volume
What is the Amazon river
Most important food crop in most countries
2nd largest country on earth:
What is Canada
True or false: the equator passes through Chile.
Largest city in South America by population
What is São paulo
Lowest point on earth
What is the dead sea
A native Brazilian rodent
What is a capybara
3rd largest country on earth
Easiest route to take from the Atlantic Ocean to the Pacific Ocean is
What is the Panama Canal?
What is Arica, Chile?
Most famous statue in Brazil
What is Christ the Redeemer
Brazils national animal
What is a jaguar?
4th largest country on earth
United States
Most common natural disaster in Brazil
Most toured city in South America yearly
What is Rio de Janiero
Amount of yearly rain needed to classify a forest as a rainforest:
100 inches
The tip of South America, Tierra del Fuego, translates to
5th largest country on earth
What is Brazil?
What waterfall in Brazil broke the world record for water flow rate?