command of reason ordering people to the common good
Definition of temptation?
an inordinate desire that inclines a person to a bad action
habitual disposition to do the good
What does it mean to repent? (3 things)
Total surrender to God for our own sins and a desire to be a servant
Return to creatureliness
Go from servant to friends through God’s redemption (JNIS)
What is the common good?
good of a radically different kind because it is an end that can be shared
Definition of Sin?
lack of fidelity (belief) to the fact of God in our lives
Virtue is habitual meaning the virtuous act is done how? (3 things)
quickly, easily, and joyfully
What does it mean to surrender?
Give yourself up totally and fully to the point you have nothing left.
4 types of law
Eternal – God’s plan; the order of creation from God
Natural – inclination of humanity toward their proper end. Human Nature. Our good. Participation in the eternal law.
Divine – what God has revealed to us about how we should live. Never could discover on our own.
Human – various levels. Common good of nation/state/city. More particular/specific. Doesn’t apply everywhere like natural.
Root of sin
turning to something else as my source of hope
How do you determine the virtuous act?
Virtue is the mean between two extremes
Main difference between true christian and one who merely professes christianity?
True christian= faith penetrates the heart so they have a single desire to do God’s will
Merely professing= keep parts of their life from being informed by God
3 Functions of the law
Guides humans to good actions
Compels person to choose good action
Protect people from evil-doers
Rejects standards/limitations that come with being a created being
The two extremes virtue is found between are ________ and ___________
defect and excess
What does it mean to say the merely professing Christian compartmentalizes their life?
Keeps God/faith in a separate box that does not come into other parts of their life.
How are all 4 laws connected?
Eternal law is God's plan for all of creation. Natural law is God's plan for humanity to achieve their end. Divine law helps humans to act accordingly to achieve their end. Human law, if just, is always in line with divine law.
What does it mean to say that sin is a rejection of relationality
Sin is rejecting relationship with God and others. Every human is born into the system of broken relationships. Adam and Eve are an example because they hid from God and covered themselves to hide from eachother.
Cowardice ———— __________ ———— Foolhardiness
Cowardice ———— Courage ———— Foolhardiness
Is Newman a saint?