The book of Revelation self-identifies as this literary genre, which is common in the OT and involves receiving revelations from God both orally and in visions.
What is "prophetic?"
The audience of John's writings
Who are the Seven Churches?
The location where John received his vision
What is Patmos?
This view sees all events within the Apocalyptic section of Revelation as events that will occur in the future end times. This view seems may seem disconnected from the audience's situation, and often emphasizes the rapture and "time and dates"
What is the "futurist" perspective.
The number of seals, trumpets, and bowls
What is seven?
Define the type of revelatory literature with a narrative framework, in which a revelation is mediated by an otherworldly being to a human recipient, disclosing transcendent reality that is both temporal (related to the future) and spacial (related to a supernatural world).
What is Apocalyptic?
The one who instructs John to write this book
Who is Jesus?
The two potential emperors and date ranges under which John and his audiences were likely receiving persecution.
Who are Nero (60's) and Domitian (end of 1st century)?
This approach sees the fulfilment of Revelation across the sweep of history in the common era. This view suffers from cultural myopia and symbolic relativism/subjectivity.
What is the historicist interpretation?
The symbolic name for Rome.
What is Babylon?
Revelation uses ______________ to identify certain characters/events in the narrative with real events to come in the future.
What is "symbolism"?
John tells his audience not to ____________ any of the contents they heard from the letter/book
What is "change"?
The potential referent of the healed "fatal wound"
What is Domitian as the return of Nero?
This view sees the events of Revelation as descriptions of contemporary (or soon to occur) events, such as the persecution of Christians in the Roman Empire. This view focuses on the situation of the direct audience and has diminished significance for successive generations
What is the preterist approach?
The title that best defines Rev. 4:1-22:5
What are John's visions?
The aspects of Revelation that make it similar to other New Testament Epistles
What is: an introduction of the author, an address to the readers, an opening blessing, praise to Jesus Christ, and benediction?
(Any of the above)
Date of authorship
What is the 60's or 90's AD?
The natural outcome of faithfulness to Christ amidst politically enforced/idealized idolatry
Who is noncompliance?
A potential 5th option for interpretation
The names of the elements of the first three chapters
What is the introduction, greeting, inaugural vision, and letters to the churches?
The function of Apocalyptic literature in the church
What is encouragement, exhortation, and hope amidst crisis and social issues?
The author of John (with argument)
Who is John the Apostle?
Definition of the "imperial cult"
This view sees Revelation as depicting the ongoing struggle between symbolized good and evil. This view may not do justice to the contemporary concerns of Revelation's audience and the apocalyptic style that connects symbolism with actual events/characters.
What is the idealist approach?
The three options to describe the millennium (and definitions)
What are premillenial (Christ returns before 1000 years), postmillenial (figurative period, Christ comes back after kingdom is established by church), and amillenial (purely symbolic of Christ's victory)?