How to spell biology in French?
la biologie
True or false: Most French people are of Anglo-Saxon heritage.
What does Donner mean?
To give
what does Je Suis?
I am
What does je'mappel mean?
What is your name
How do you spell cafeteria in French.
La cantine
How many people live in Paris?
2.25 mil
What does oublier mean
to forget
What does TU ES mean?
You are
what does bonjour mean
What does un calaculatrice mean
Nopleon the lll was the of naploen Bonaparte
What does manger mean
to eat
what does nous sommes mean?
We are
comment sa va meaning
hows it going
does the French government control the bread making process
What does Etudier mean?
to study
what does "vous etes" mean?
you are
what does comment vous appelez vous mean?
What is your name(formal)
what is computer class translated and spelled in French?
What is the French motto?
liberte, egalite, fraternite
what ending goes with ils/Elle's?
what does Elles sont mean?
they are
what does quell est la date de ton anniversaire mean?
when is your birthday