This 1987 classic by Rick Astley was originally a B-side by the British band "The Full House" in 1985, but when Astley released his version, it became an international hit.
Never Gonna Give You Up
This is the highest posted speed limit on a US interstate
85 Miles Per Hour
With 15.17 Billion views, this music video is the most watched video on YouTube
Baby Shark Dance
This toy blocks interlocking design was patented in 1958.
This early 2010s social media craze had participants lying face-down in unusual locations, mimicking a wooden board, and sharing photos online.
This artist originally recorded "I Will Always Love You" before Whitney Houston's iconic version in 1983
Dolly Parton
In 2021, this record-breaking trip was made by two drivers, who set the Guinness World Record for the fastest trip across the United States, completing it in under 26 hours.
The Cannonball Run
YouTube introduced this feature in 2017, allowing creators to add short, interactive elements like polls to videos.
This wooden toy, first created in 1950, features a simple yet iconic design of a toy top that spins and rolls on a string, popular for generations.
The Dreidel
In this 2013 trend, people froze in place like statues while the camera moved through the scene to a hit song by Rae Sremmurd.
What is the Mannequin Challenge?
This 1981 hit by Rick Springfield was originally recorded by the Australian band The Valentine's in 1969 but gained worldwide popularity with Springfield’s version.
Jessie's Girl
This Interstate is the longest interstate highway in the US
With over 20 Million dislikes, this video hold the record for the most Dislikes on YouTube
YouTube Rewind 2018
This video game is the highest selling game of all time
In 2016, everyone from middle schoolers to NFL players struck this quick arm-swinging move, inspired by a Fortnite emote.
The Dab
Originally recorded by David Allan Coe in 1981, this song has been re-recorded by George Jones in 1983 and Chris Stapleton in 2015.
Tennessee Whiskey
This U.S. state has the highest rate of wildlife-related accidents, largely due to its dense deer population and mountainous terrain.
West Virginia
In 2018, this YouTuber faced backlash for a video filmed in Japan's Aokigahara Forest, which led to a temporary break from the platform.
Logan Paul
This famous 1950s toy was designed to help kids learn basic mathematical and counting skills by sliding different colored pegs through the wooden frame.
This 2015 trend had participants using a small glass to create suction on their lips, often resulting in exaggerated swelling—and sometimes bruising.
The Kylie Jenner Lip Challenge
Originally recorded in French by Claude François in 1967, this song was rewritten in English by Paul Anka and made famous by Frank Sinatra in 1969.
My Way
This US highway features the steepest grade on any paved US road
US route 50
This video game was featured in the first YouTube video depicting actual gameplay
Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas
This talking, giggling doll, released in 1996, became a holiday sensation, causing store shortages and long lines due to its immense popularity.
Tickle Me Elmo
This trend involved exiting a moving vehicle from the drivers seat and dancing alongside the vehicle as it continues moving
Ghost ride the whip