Write 3 forms of the verb "выбирать"
Write 5 types of dinosaurs
Your answer
What are fossils?
Shapes in rocks, that shows the animal or plant
How long was it?
14 meters
Write 3 forms of the verb "приносить"
A flying creature was ... Write the name.
pterosaur or pterodactyl
Where can you buy fossils?
in a special shops/fossil shops
How could they move?
Very quickly/fast
Write 3 forms of the verb "водить"
When did dinosaurs disappear?
65 million years ago
Where can you find fossils?
in a desert, in the mountains, in a sea, on the beaches, digging up the roads/everywhere
What can you tell about their teeth?
They were 35 cantimeters long
Write 3 forms of the verb "летать"
How many types of dinosaurs were there?
More than 700
How old are fossils?
More than 10.000 years old
What did they eat?
Meat/other dinosaurs
Write 3 forms of the verb "знать"
Where can you see dinosaurs now?
at the museums
Who studies fossils?
What is the full name of T-Rex?
Tyrannosaurus rex