Key Words
Battle of Badr
Battle of Uhud

What does Madinah mean?



Who were the 2 major tribes in Madinah?

Aws and Khazraj

How many soldiers were on each side of the battle?

Quraysh: 1,000 men, 700 camels, and 100 horses left Mecca under the command of Abu Jahl. 

Muslims: Rasulullah (s) had only 313 men. The Muslims were poorly equipped. Between all of them they had only two horses and 70 camels. Some of the Muslims had a sword but no shield, and others had a shield but no sword. Imam Ali (a) held the banner of the Muslim army as they headed towards the village of Badr. 

How many soldiers were on each side?

A year after the battle of Badr, in the year 3AH, Abu Sufyan put together an army of 3,000 warriors to take revenge of the defeat at Badr. They marched towards Medina and fought the Muslims at the foot of Mount Uhud, just three miles outside Medina. In this lesson, we will look at this battle, known as the battle of Uhud, and its consequences.

When Rasulullah (s) learned that the Meccans were marching to attack the Muslims once again, he left Medina with an army of 1,000 men to defend themselves against the attack. However, 300 of his men deserted him on the way, reducing the Muslim army to only 700 men.


How many years did the Prophet preach in Makkah for before leaving for Madinah?



What does Madinat ar-Rasul mean?

City of the Messenger


What was the Madinah called before the Prophet moved there?


Who was leading the caravan of the Quraysh that the Muslims were trying to intercept?

Abu Sufyan

When Rasulullah (s) found out that Abu Sufyan was returning from Syria with a caravan full of weapons and money to be used against the Muslims, he decided to set out and intercept the caravan. In the meantime, Abu Sufyan found out that the Muslims were heading towards him so he sent a messenger ahead to inform the Quraysh leaders.


Which uncle of the Prophet was killed in Uhud?

Hazrat Hamza


What is the difference between Jihad al Akbar and Jihad al Asgher

Jihad al-akbar: major struggle

Jihad al-asghar: minor struggle

Jihad an-nafs is the struggle against evil qualities and deeds in one’s self. This struggle is considered as the major struggle as it is much more difficult than fighting in the battlefield, for in the struggle against the self one has to constantly battle enemies that are hosted inside his own existence.  


What does Sahaba mean?


Which other monotheist religious group was in Madinah when the Prophet arrived?

The Jewish community.

The charter the Prophet established gave Jews and Muslims equal rights.


How did Allah help the Muslims?

The two forces met at Badr on 17 Ramadhan, 2 AH. Allah helped the Muslims with a special favour. He sent down angels in the form of warriors so that when the enemies saw the Muslims, they suddenly seemed so many in number that it filled them with terror


Why did the Muslims lose this battle?

50 archers that were told to hold their position on the Mount of Uhud, left.


What are the special distinctions that Ammar bin Yasir has?

Ammar ibn Yasir was a beloved companion of Rasulullah (s), who had many special distinctions. His family were some of the first people to accept Islam and his parents were the first shuhada.


What does "AH" stand for when we write the Islamic year like 1446 AH?

The counting of years in the Islamic calendar starts from the hijrah of Rasulullah (s). The letters AH stand for ‘after hijrah’.


How many pledges of Aqaba were there?


The first one was 12 men from Madinah who met the Prophet.  They pledged allegiance to the Prophet and he sent Mus‘ab ibn Umayr, who used to lead Salat al-Jumu‘ah and guide the people on the message of the Qur’an 

The next year 73 people came from Madinah to pledge allegiance to the Prophet.

Why did Madinah accept the Prophet?

  1. The people of Medina were good-natured and welcomed Rasulullah (s) with an open heart.
  2. The people of Medina had been the neighbours of the Jews for a very long time, and were used to hearing about the prophet they were waiting for. This made their minds and hearts ready to accept him.
  3. The people of Medina were mentally and physically exhausted with the conflicts and fights between themselves. They were fed up with their lives and found all doors of hope closed before them. Both the main groups were unhappy about their condition and wanted to find a solution. It was for this reason that they found the peaceful message of Rasulullah (s) very inviting.

Name 2 of the 3 Muslim champions?

  • Hamza ibn Abdul-Muttalib: The uncle of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), known as "Asadullah" (the Lion of Allah). He was a fierce and brave warrior, representing the Muslim side with unmatched valor.

  • Ali ibn Abi Talib: The cousin and son-in-law of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), and a central figure in Islam, particularly in Shia Islam. Ali is celebrated for his unparalleled courage and faith, and his participation in this duel highlights his vital role in early Islamic history.

  • Ubaydah ibn al-Harith: A relative of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) from the Banu Hashim clan. Though he was older, he was deeply loyal to the Prophet and Islam. Ubaydah sustained severe injuries in his duel and later succumbed to his wounds, becoming one of the first martyrs of Badr.


What did Hind do to the body of Hazrat Hamza after he was killed?

After the battle, she mutilated Hazrat Hamza's body. She cut open his chest and removed his liver, attempting to chew it, though she could not swallow it.


What is a ghazwah?

A battle in which Rasulullah (s) participated is known as a ghazwah and one in which Rasulullah (s) did not participate himself but sent out an army under the command of one of his companions is called a sariyyah.


Define Ansar and Mohajir

Ansar - people of Madinah who welcomed the Prophet and refuges from Makkah

Mohajir - people who left their homes and migrated to Madinah


The Prophet established a charter (like a constitution) in Madinah.  How many clauses did the charter have?


The following are a few important ones:

  1. All disputes between any two parties in Medina would be referred to Rasulullah (s) for his decision.
  2. Muslims and Jews would enjoy the same rights.
  3. Each group in Medina would follow its own faith, and no one group would interfere in the affairs of any other group.
  4. In the event of an external attack upon Medina, both groups (Muslims and Jews) would defend the city.
  5. Both groups would refrain from shedding blood in the city.
  6. Muslims would not go to war against other Muslims for the sake of non-Muslims.

Who were the 3 Quraysh champions related to Hind?

  • Utbah ibn Rabi'ah: Utbah was Hind’s father. He was a respected elder of the Quraysh and one of their prominent leaders. He fought against the Muslims and was killed in the duel.

  • Shaybah ibn Rabi'ah: Shaybah was Hind’s uncle, the brother of her father, Utbah. Like his brother, Shaybah was also killed in the duel.

  • Walid ibn Utbah: Walid was Hind’s brother, the son of her father, Utbah. Walid was also killed in the same confrontation.


What is the name of Imam Ali's sword?

While fighting at Uhud, Imam Ali’s (a) sword broke. Rasulullah (s) gave his own sword called Dhu’l fiqar to him. It was then that Jibra’il was heard saying: ‘There is no warrior but Ali, and no sword but Dhu’l fiqar.’


Who were the Ashab as-Suffah?

Companions living under a shelter.

Masjid an-Nabawi played a vital role. Muslims gathered there for daily prayers, Friday prayers and Eid prayers. This masjid was also used as a place of education, a court of Islamic law and a social place for Muslims to meet each other.

Once the Prophet's Masjid was built, people were not allowed to live there.  Rasulullah (s) did not forget the refugees that were there and thus he ordered that a place be built for them which had a roof so that all could live in there together. The place that was built was known as suffah and an uncountable number of companions of Rasulullah (s) would later go on to be known as the Ashab as-Suffah or those companions of Rasulullah (s) who lived under this sheltered housing.
