what year was Spirited Away made
what sport involves kicking and needs a gk
how old is our school
52 yrs old
what elective uses pots and pans
food tech/cooking
A mouse
what is the highest court is aus
high court
what is the national sport of Australia
when was our school founded
what track did ode go on
Bibbulmun track
what did the film 2040 tell the audience about
creating better environment for the future
what are the 4 main political parties?
1. Labor
2. Liberal
3. Nationals
4. The Greens
Where did they move sport office
the spin room
who is our principal
Mrs Fogliani
Who is the head of soccer
Mr Morgan
what is the main point of spirited away
growing up
how many students are in year9
what sport did we do in ode
how much are the uniforms sold at student services