Having the awareness of sound properties on words, such as rhymes & alliterations, and involves the manipulation of sounds within words.
What is phonological awareness?
These types of tasks focus on eliminating a sound from a word and identifying what remains.
What are deletion task or phoneme deletion.
Developing phonological awareness is critical for success in this area of literacy.
What is reading?
This task involves changing a sound in a word.
What is phoneme manipulation?
Kilpatrick suggests practicing phonological awareness for this many minutes at a time.
What is one minute?
These are the smallest units of sound in a word.
What are phonemes?
This task asks students to swap one sound in a word for another.
What is a substitution task (or phoneme substitution)?
Phonological awareness helps children map spoken sounds onto these.
What are letters (or graphemes)?
A phoneme reversal task asks students to do this to a word's sounds.
What is reversing the order of the sounds?
These tasks are superior to other tasks for training phonological awareness because other phonological tasks are built in?
What are manipulation tasks?
This is the skill of breaking a word into its individual sounds?
What is phoneme segmentation?
The activity where students identify a word after its sounds are said separately?
What is blending?
Lack of phonological awareness is a primary predictor of this reading difficulty.
What is dyslexia?
Asking students to say "plant" without the /l/ sound practices this skill.
What is phoneme deletion?
This is the foundation of proficient orthographic mapping.
What is phonemic proficiency?
This is the ability to blend individual sounds into words.
What is phoneme blending?
A task requiring students to say word a without its first sound.
What is initial phoneme deletion?
This early literacy skill is considered a prerequisite for effective decoding.
What is phonemic awareness?
This task involves exchanging an onset, rime, or a phoneme.
What is phoneme substitution?
Many poor readers can segment phonemes well, but cannot do this task?
What is manipulate phonemes (or phoneme manipulation)?
This is the ability to identify and manipulate individual sounds in words.
What is phonemic awareness?
This task challenges students to add a sound to a word to create a new one.
What is phoneme addition?
Developing phonological awareness can improve this: the ability to read words accurately and quickly.
What is reading fluency?
This skill asks students to isolate an individual sound in a word.
What is phoneme isolation?
It means breaking a syllable into the sounds before the vowel and the vowel and all sounds after. An example would be /t/ /in/.
What is onset-rime?