10年前に比べれば,この街に緑が増えたように思われる。 [大阪薬科大*†]
( ) ( ) ( ) this town is ( ) than (it was) ten years ago.
(It) (seems) (that) this town is (greener) than (it was) ten years ago.
別の調査では,自分を「不幸せだ」と考えている人の三分の二が,人間関係より財産や成功を重視する人でした。 [岡山大†]
According to another survey, ( ) ( ) ( ) who thought (that) they were unhappy (c ) (w ) and success (to be) more important than human (r ).
According to another survey, (two-thirds) (of) (those) who thought (that) they were unhappy (considered) (wealth) and success (to be) more important than human (relationships).
彼の英語は他の人のより分かりやすかったけど、それでもまだ彼が言ったことをすべては理解できなかったんだ。 [成城大]
[English / easy] other people’s, but I still could not understand [everything].
[His English was easier to catch than] other people’s, but I still could not understand [everything (that) he said].
統計によれば,中国の人口は日本の約10倍である。 [高知大*]
( ) ( ) (that) the population of China is [ten / large / Japan].
(Statistics) (show) (that) the population of China is [about ten times as large as that of Japan].
アンドリュー(Andrew)はまだ20代前半だが,年のわりに大人びて見える。 [青山学院大*]
Andrew is [twenties], but he [look].
Andrew is [still in his early twenties], but he [looks younger (than he really is)]もしくは[looks young for his age].
考えれば考えるほどその問題は難しく思われ,僕にはお手上げだった。 [工学院大]
The [I / think / problem]more (deeply[seriously]) I thought about the problem, the more difficult it seemed (to me). Finally[In the end], I [give / try / solve] it.
The [more (deeply[seriously]) I thought about the problem], the more difficult it seemed (to me). Finally, I [gave up trying to solve] it.
我々の社会では,父親が母親と同じくらい子育てに関わることは,まだ難しいかもしれない。 [福井県立大†]
In our society, it may still be difficult [fathers / to / much time / children] mothers (do).
In our society, it may still be difficult [for fathers to spend as much time raising[bringing up] children as] mothers (do).
外国語を身につけようとするとき,開始年齢が早ければ早いほど,その上達は早い。 [大分大]
When you try to learn a foreign language, the ( ) you begin to study it, the ( ) your skills[you] ( ).
When you try to learn a foreign language, the (earlier) you begin to study it, the (faster) your skills[you] (improve).
彼女の手紙を読めば読むほど,彼女の真意がわからなくなった。 [青山学院大*]
The more ( ) I read her letter, the [I / can / she].
The more (times/often) I read her letter, the [less I could understand what she (really) meant[was trying to say]].
インターネットが普及した現代でも,仕事仲間と同じ場所にいることは以前と同様に重要である。 [津田塾大*†]
Even nowadays, when the internet is (so) (w ) used, [it / important] with our colleagues in ( ) same place [it / be].
Even nowadays, when the internet is (so) (widely) used, [it is as important to be] with our colleagues in (the) same place[as it used to be].
去年の冬,長い休暇をとってロサンゼルスに行きましたが,期待していたほど暖かくはありませんでした。 [日本女子大]
Last winter(,) I took [long / time] and went to Los Angeles. However, it was not as warm as ( ) ( ) ( ).
Last winter(,) I took [a long time off] and went to Los Angeles. However, it was not as warm as (I) (had) (expected).
He said he belived in us... So don't worry about anything other than ( ) ( ) to that!
He said he belived in us... So don't worry about anything other than (living) (up) to that!