Recognize, Report, Refuse
Bystander Power
Cyber Bullying

What is the definition of bullying?

Bullying is when someone keeps being mean to someone else on purpose.


What is a bystander?

Bystanders are people who see or know about bullying happening to others.

What is cyberbullying?

Cyber bullying is bullying using electronic technology.


Rylee and Ashanti are in the same class at school. Rylee doesn’t like Ashanti, so she makes jokes to her friends about how Ashanti dresses. Ashanti can hear them laughing at her, and it makes her feel sad. Ashanti tells Rylee to stop, but Rylee just laughs and keeps making fun of her. Is this bullying or a conflict?

a. This is bullying, because Rylee keeps being mean to Ashanti, and Ashanti can’t make her stop. 

b. This is a conflict, because Rylee is just making jokes. 

c. This is neither, because Rylee isn’t doing anything to hurt Ashanti.

b. This is bullying, because Rylee keeps being mean to Ashanti, and Ashanti can’t make her stop.  


Name 3 caring adults you can report bullying to.

Teacher, school counselor, principal, bus driver, lunch monitor.


How can a bystander be helpful to a person that is being bullied?

Report to an adult, or refuse and stand up for the person being bullied.


Which of the following is cyberbullying?

a. sending a mean chat, text, or email.

b. creating a mean website.

c. posting embarrassing or mean messages about someone online. 

d. all of the above.

d. all of the above.


What does one-sided mean?

When one person or group keeps being mean to another, and the other person or group isn’t mean back.


Name 3 different feelings that a bystander to bullying might have.

Amused because they think it’s funny. Afraid. Relieved because they aren’t the ones being bullied. Frustrated about not knowing what to do. Guilty or ashamed for doing nothing to help. Conflicted because they know it’s not right but don’t want to get involved or be bullied too

True or false; cyberbullying is not as harmful as other types of bullying because you can't see the person doing it.



What are the the "R"s of Bullying?

Recognize, Report, Refuse


What is something a bystander might do that is NOT helpful to a person being bullied?

They laugh. They don’t report. They don’t say anything. They don’t stick up for the person being bullied.


Every day, Pedro plays soccer after school with other kids from his school. Recently a group of older boys has started playing, and the boys push Pedro around. They keep knocking him down. He’s afraid to tell them to stop because he thinks they won’t let him play. What can Pedro do to help stop this bullying? 

a. Put up with the bullying and hope the boys stop pushing him around. 

b. Start pushing the boys back. 

c. Report what the boys are doing to the principal so she can help stop the bullying. 

d. Stop playing soccer

c. Report what the boys are doing to the principal so she can help stop the bullying. 


When you're refusing bullying or standing up for yourself, you want to make sure you're using a ______ voice.



Why do some bystanders sometimes choose to do nothing?

They’re afraid they’ll be bullied too. It’s peer pressure—they want to go along with what other people are doing. Nobody else is doing anything either. They don’t want to be labeled a “tattletale.”


Which of the following is an example of cyber bullying? 

a. When a student sends an electronic invite to her party to only five of her friends. 

b. When a student sends hurtful messages about another student electronically to everyone she knows. 

c. When two students get into an argument on social media about who is the better basketball player. 

d. When someone laughs at a new student because he doesn’t know where the computer lab is.

b. When a student sends hurtful messages about another student electronically to everyone she knows. 
