Finish the book title: How to win friends...
and influence people.
What is Tamsin's Middle name?
The main protagonist of Halo 'John' also goes by what name?
The Master Chief
The protagonist of Dragon Ball is Goku. What is the name of his oldest son?
What is the first Pokemon in the National Dex? (No. 001)
Who wrote the book series 'A Series of Unfortunate Events'?
Lemony Snicket
The currency in the Legend of Zelda is called...
What is the name of the pyramid-shaped necklace worn by Yugi Moto in Yu-Gi-Oh Duel Monsters
The Millenium Puzzle
Arceus is the Pokemon equivalent of God. Which Pokemon is the equivalent of Satan?
The Novel 'Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep' was adapted into which famous 1982 Sci Fi movie?
Blade Runner
Emily's childhood skateboard featured which fictional character?
Bart Simpson
Collect 100 of these fruits in Crash Bandicoot to gain an extra life.
Wumpa fruit
What colour is a shiny Charizard (primarily)?
Which prominent feminist author wrote the books 'Orlando' and 'A Room of One's Own'?
Virginia Woolf
What is Liam's middle name?
In the Binding of Isaac, which item has the flavour-text 'blood laser barrage'?
Maria, Rose, Sina
Which Pokemon is dex number 591?
Winston Smith
Zak's dad is called Andy. What is the name of his mom?
In Little Big Planet 1 there are 8 levels. What is the name of the third?
The Wedding
What is the name of the person who is credited for the music in Studio Ghibli films?
Joe Hisaishi/Mamoru Fujisawa