the rebirth of a soul in a new body
What is the caste system?
social hierarchy that divides a society into classes based on birth, religion, and cultural norms
What is the sacred text of Hinduism?
This title, meaning "The Enlightened One," refers to the founder of Buddhism.
In Hinduism, this god is known as the creator of the universe.
What jobs are located in the Brahmins category of the Caste System?
Teachers, Scholars, Priests
What determines the next life in Hinduism?
A persons Karma.
Good = moves up
Bad = moves down
Who becomes the Buddha?
What type of jobs did the Untouchables have?
Menial and degrading jobs, including street sweeping, handling carcasses, and cleaning latrines
Jobs in a Caste
What is the term used to describe the group of people considered outside the traditional caste system in ancient India?
Dalits or Untouchables
What is the name of the group believed to bring the Vedas which influenced Hinduism?
The Aryans
These are the foundational teachings of Buddhism, often summarized as the path to end suffering.
The Four Noble Truths
The truth of suffering
The truth of the cause of suffering
The truth of the end of suffering
The truth of the path to the end of suffering
What level would you find the Kshatriyas in the social pyramid?
Second level (Governing / Warriors)
Cycle of birth, death, and rebirth
Why was the caste system considered rigid in ancient India?
Caste was determined by birth and rarely changed
What is the name of the early Hindu culture that developed from the religious texts known as the Vedas?
What is the purpose of the Eightfold Path?
Eight ideas to help a person reach Nirvana
This caste, considered the lowest of the four main varnas in the traditional caste system, was responsible for performing labor and serving the other castes.
Final goal of Buddhism
State of Enlightenment
State of perfect peace and happiness
This term describes the religious and moral duties assigned to individuals based on their caste.
What is the significance of the Laws of Manu in ancient Indian society?
They were a code of laws governing social behavior, including the caste system
This type of tree, under which Siddhartha Gautama attained enlightenment, is a sacred symbol in Buddhism.
The Bodhi Tree
This term in Hinduism refers to the ultimate goal of liberation from the cycle of reincarnation and union with Brahman.