il mange
What is 'he eats'
une mangue
What is 'a mango'?
It fait mauvais
What is 'the weather is bad'?
la voiture
What is 'the car'?
Aller à la plage
What is 'go to the beach'?
Tu boit
What is 'you drink'?
un raisin
What is 'a grape'?
la lune
What is 'the moon'?
le car
What is 'the coach'?
What is 'to swim'?
What is 'I have'?
un chou
What is 'a cabbage'?
L'arc en ciel
What is 'a rainbow'?
À pied
What is 'on foot'?
Aller à la pêche
What is 'to go fishing'?
nous voulons
What is 'we want'?
un laitue
What is 'a lettuce'?
Il y a du brouillard
What is 'it is foggy'?
La trottinette
What is 'the scooter'?
Faire de la plongée
What is 'to snorkel'?
ils prennent
What is 'they take'?
un cassis
What is 'a blackcurrant'?
Il y a des nuages
What is 'it is cloudy'?
Le camion
What is 'the truck'?
Faire des randonnées
What is 'to go hiking'?