In the Classroom

What should you do if you see a friend in the hallway?

Quietly wave/smile.


How can you include others in games during recess?

 Invite them to join and explain the rules.


During lessons at the carpet, how do you show respect to your teachers?

Keep your eyes on the speaker and listen without talking to others. Raise your hand for permission to speak.

These three golden rules rhyme, the teacher almost always says them when it's a restroom stop. 

Hush, Flush, Wash your hands!


 What is a good way to resolve a disagreement with a friend?

Talk it out calmly and try to find a solution together. If you can't - take a break from each other and try again later.


How should you walk in the hallway?

In a straight and silent line. Directly behind the person in front of you. Facing foward.


What should you do if you feel unsafe on the playground?

Tell a teacher or adult immediately.


Do this if you have a question or would like to share a thought with the class or teacher.

Raise your hand.


What should you do if the bathroom is crowded?

QUIETLY wait your turn.


This is the voice level you are expected to have in the lunch line--while you are grabbing your tray.

Level 0-voices off


It is important to ______  to show respect to peoples' personal space. You will also avoid accidents like knocking things down.

Keep your hands/feet to yourself


Why is it important to use kind words at recess?

It allows everyone to have fun and feel happy/safe.


Before leaving your seat you should do this first.

Raise your hand and ask for permission.


This is the voice level that students are expected to be using in the restroom.

Voice Level 0


What is one way you can be polite in the lunch line?

Smile, say "thank you"


What should you do if someone is blocking the hallway?

Politely ask them to move or silently wait for a clear path.

The physical sports that may involve kicking, jumping, running, and sometimes bumping into each other. When you play them, you can expect for all of these things to happen.

soccer, football, basketball


During snack time and read-aloud, when can you get up to throw away your trash/get a drink?

When the timer is up (at the end of snack time).


How many seconds should you spend drying your hands off at the dryers?

3! One banana, two banana, three banana SPLIT!!


Failure to do this rule while you are sitting at your table, could cause a teacher or student to trip and fall over your feet.

Keep your feet under the table, face foward.


What could happen if students run in the hallway?

Someone could trip and fall or run into someone else. Injury or accidents could happen. 


The rules for this activity are to keep your pockets on the seat, and only move forward and backward. Do not walk in front of or behind people who are doing this activity, you may get kicked!

Swinging on the swings!

If the teacher is working with a group of students at the back table, when is it OK to interrupt?
Emergencies; fire, tornado, restroom emergency/ someone is sick/hurt.

Otherwise--wait until the teacher is finished, then raise your hand for permission to leave your seat.


During a class restroom break, it is important for you to try to use the restroom. If you ask to go when we get back to the classroom, it will be too late and you will have missed your break! True or False!? 

True-class bathroom breaks are your best chance to use the restroom. 


Failure to do this lunchroom rule will have your table looking a MESS when you get up to leave! 

Clean up your trash/food.
