This is where the spotter holds on the lifter when Spotting the DB Bench
What is the Wrists
This lower body push is performed with the barbell in a front rack position
What is the Front Squat
A chin up is performed with this grip
This is the main hip extender
What is the glute max
This is the main muscle activated during a sit up
This is the rep range a lifter will use when performing a max strength set of bench press
What is 1-5
This muscle is the main knee extender
What is the Rectus Femoris
A pull up is performed with this grip
What is pronated
This is a lower body push exercises performed standing inside a bar
What is the trap bar deadlift
When performing a side plank this muscle is activated
What are the obliques
This upper body push is performed vertically
What is the Overhead press
These are the 4 quad muscles
what are the rectus femoris, vastus medialis, vastus lateralis, vastus intermedius
The main muscle activated during a row or pull up is
What is the latissimus Dorsi
These are the three hamstring muscles
What are biceps femoris, semitendinosus, semimembranosus
What is extension
This is the position used to create stability when performing the bench press
what is the 5 point position
This should rise with the hips when performing a back squat
what is the shoulders
Secondary muscles activated during rowing and pulling motions are
What are the traps and rhomboids
This lower body push exercise trains the hamstrings eccentrically
What is the RDL or Nordic hamstring curl
When squeezing your abdominals you are activating this muscle
What is the transverse Abdominus
In addition to the Pec Major, this is activated when performing a chest cable pull
What is the Biceps Brachii
When performing a knee extension this muscle activated in the last 30 degrees
What is the vastus medialis
When performing single stance lower body push exercises this muscle assists with balance
What is the glute med
This is the pattern used in deadlifting, RDL and KB Swing movements
What is the hip hinge
When performing a palloff press you are preventing this motion
What is Rotation