p. 365
This is the average price of a home in the US.
What is $385,000?
This is the average cost per month spent on healthcare.
What is $414?
p. 351
According to the chart, this vehicle is considered to be the most durable.
What is Toyota Land Cruiser?
If you perform your own oil change on your car, this is how much money you would save.
What is 50?
This is the price of tap water.
What is $0?
This country had the highest percentage of house price per income.
What is Mexico?
This is the average percentage of income spent on housing.
What is 32.8%?
This vehicle has the overall best value.
What is Honda Odyssey?
This is how much money you would save by replacing your own air filter.
What is $80?
p. 377
The average American spends this amount eating out per month.
What is $288?
What is the total average cost of utilities per month.
What is $276?
This is the average amount of money spent on transportation.
What is $813?
This car has the worst depreciation with an average of 65% in 5 years.
What is the Nissan Leaf?
This is how much money you would save by replacing your own brake pads.
What is $325?
Daily Double:
The NHTSA reports that motorcyclists have _____________ times the risk of being in a deadly accident compared to other drivers.
What is 35?
pg. 366
This is the difference in cost between a two-bedroom house in Hawaii and Wichita, Kansas.
What is $510,000?
This is the percentage of monthly income spent on entertainment.
What is 5.3%
This car had the best average maintenance and gas cost per year.
What is the Toyota Camary?
This is how much money you would save by replacing your own car battery.
What is $220?
p. 376
The average person drives this many miles per year.
What is 14,263?
This is how much money the careful spender could save per year.
What is $39,804?
This is the average monthly cost for both groceries, restaurants and other meals.
What is $660?
This car had the highest maintenance cost by the manufacturer.
What is BMW?
This is the amount that you could save every year overall, by doing your own car maintenance.
What is $760?
Daily Double:
The average family spends this amount on gas.
What is $167?