Name of the first synthetich rubber.
Name of the first digital computer.
Profession of Ernst Chain.
Creator of The Beetle
Ferdinand Porsche
Famoused soda invented in WWII
Why Ersatz- Würstchen was created?
Due to lack resources.
To find meat alternatives.
Which were the ingredients fot the Erzats-Würstchen?
Soy and cabbage.
What does Otto Hahn discovered?
Nuclear fission.
War is considered to be the father of...
Name a contrubition from another country during WWII
P-47 -Thunderbolt, Resources, Chromium, Hawker Hurracaine
Which components where in the first digital computer?
Electromechanical relays
IG Farben
Creator of jet engine planes.
Hans von Ohain.
Creator of the First Computer
Konrad Zuse
Which of the inventions are usefull nowadays? Why?
All of them
Type of tractions of the beetle.
Rear - mounted.
Replacement products of the Coca-Cola to make the Fanta.
Sugar beet
Apple fiber
Name one of the most important Scientists or Engineers at that time.
Albert Einstein, Ferdinand Porsche, Otto Hahn, Otto Bayer, Friedrich Rinne...
What is the game that is played with The Beetle in Mexico (and some other countries too)?
To punch your friend when you see a Beetle (only with yellow sometimes)
Highest spped reached by the Jet Engines at that time.
632 Km/h
What is the Enigma machine?
The Enigma machine was a cipher device used to encrypt communications.
Explain how fission was discovered.
Name 3 ways that The Beetle is known in other countries.
Vocho/ Vochito, Fusca, Pulga, Käfer, Pichirilo
What does VHF stands for?
Very High Frecuency