demographers figure out population growth by
comparing birth and death rates
large numbers of people have moved from rural to urban areas because...
they want more opportunities for their children
capitalism is called a "free-market" economy because
producers compete freely for consumers' business
people indirectly hold the power to govern and rule by electing people to represent them
representative democracy
Push Pull theory explains...
a serious problem caused by population growth
the way population is spread out over an area
this is not an area of a developing nation
North America
three examples of forms of government
monarchy, democracy, dictatorship
What is a reason for involuntary migration?
forced into slave trade, to escape death/danger
this is not a reason for population growth
increased use of alternative energy
subsistence farms raise enough food to
feed only the farmer's families
What have countries done to reduce the cost of trade
formed trade alliances
military alliance in which members agree to defind any fellow member
the movement of people from one place to another
a science that studies population
Owners and workers in an economy
a system in which people make, exchange, and use things
protects its people by making and enforcing laws
many of these ___came to live in the US during the 1840's
Irish immigrants
average number of people in an area
population DENSITY
They buy and use products
Economic system with government ownership