What was team Ruiz Save Rate for the month of November ?
What was April's Commit Rate in Nov?
True of False Ron's team had the 2nd highest close rate in Boost in November?
False - He had the highest 32.7%
What was Preye's Commit Rate in Nov?
What is the title of the first Harry Potter book?
Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone
What was April's 14 day Save Rate?
5 total - Steve, Greg, Ivan, Derrick and Frank
What was team Preye's Save Rate for the month of November ?
What gas do plants absorb from the atmosphere?
Carbon dioxide
Who was Carlos top two AE's in Save Rate for the month? Double Points if you can name those save rates.
Christopher Grady 65%
Rashay Patel 61.90%
What was team April's Save Rate for the month of November ?
Ron's Device Rate was above or under 40% for the month?
Under 36.33%
False - She had 10
In what year did the Chernobyl disaster occur?
How many total Hughes Net Sales did Carlos have in November?
25 Total
True of False- April's team pause rate was over 9%?
False -- it was 8.0%
Ron's agent with the highest Device Rate for the month?
Frank 46.48%
Name 3 of Preye's new hires added to the floor in the past 6 weeks?
Danielle Osullivan, Surendhar and Omar
What two people co-founded Microsoft?
Bill Gates and Paul Allen
How many agents did Carlos have over 55% Loy Save Rate in November? Double Points if you can name them
7 Total
Grady, Rashay, Ahmid, Jonathan, Michael, Neka and Chad
How many agents did April have over 55% Loy Save Rate in November? Double Points if you can name them
5 Total
Devang, Joe, Sabine, Diana and Sandy
Can you name Ron's two newest agents?
Rafael and Sabir
How many agents did Preye have over 55%. Double points if you can name them?
5 total. Danielle Spann, Danielle Osullivan, Surendhar, Keion and Kymar.
What is the main language spoken in Argentina?