PSR, what is it?
The priority services register is a
register of customers who’ve been identified as being in a vulnerable circumstance, held by all suppliers & networks.
What is COT and what are the 3 categories/parties that can be responsible for a property?
Landlord,Home buyers & Tenants
How long do we store customer's details after the customer's account is closed?
7 Years
What is a Price Cap?
A way for energy industry to regulate prices.
When is an occupier account considered overdue?
An Occupier bill is considered overdue after 15 days.
Mention 5 things the PSR can do for our customers
Alternative format communications: receive bills and correspondence in Braille, large print or audio CD.
Show the trainees how to do this, head to a customer account, then head to account details, scroll down until you see Document accessibility Preference and then click edit, select one of the options from the dropdown and then submit.
Password scheme: When we call or visit, we can use a password of verify our identity
Nominate someone to act for you: Someone else can deal with all aspects of an account
Third Party Correspondence: Copies of bills and correspondence can be sent to a friend, carer or relative
Interpreter service: can be arranged when for calls where English isn’t a preferred or first language
Regular meter reads: a free meter read service if nobody the household can read the meter
Free prepayment meter move: if nobody in the household can safely access the meter (eligibility criteria applies)
Knock and Wait: gives more time to answer the door if we visit
Support for power loss / power interruption: Under vital interest we can share information with network companies to support if there is a sudden loss of gas or electricity supply. An alternative contact, such as a friend, carer or relative, will be contacted to alert customers about the power loss where requested
When a customer moves into a property and has no previous usage information, how do we quote a customer?
If the property doesnt have 12 months usage, how do we proceed?
Customer will be quoted based on previous tenants usage
If we dont have 12 months usage we will quote customer based on OFGEMS averages.
How do you remove a user?
Perform a COT
4 Times a year
1st Jan, April, July & October
How often would a Occupier get sent a bill?
2 Weekly
What is a Gas safety check and who qualifies for it?
Gas safety check
Customers who are on our PSR and live alone or with elderly people, someone with a disability or a chronic illness, or live with a child under the age of five, can ask for a free gas safety check if:
• A gas safety check hasn’t been completed in the last 12 months
• The customer is in receipt of a means-tested benefit
• There is a live gas supply
We’ll send a professional to do the gas safety check, which includes any gas appliances or fittings
We won’t visit properties where the landlord is responsible for sorting your gas safety check
When performing a Home move- specifically move in,what information do we need from a customer?
Add the correct move date: always ask for the date that the customer's tenancy period started, or the sale completion date. This may not be the same as the date they moved in or out
Always push for meter readings the day of the move in
Set up the tariff and the direct debit
If the account does pop up when call comes through,what do you need to confirm with the customer telephonically?
Account number /First line of address and post code
2.Customers full name
Then confirm one of the below in these order
2.Email in Kraken
4.Payment method
What exactly gets capped?
Unit rates capped (pence per KWH)
Standing charges capped (Price per day)
What is the difference between a SMETS1&2 meter?
Smets 1 - only works with installer
Smets 2 - works with all suppliers
Kraken - click on customers name - and add
What is an occupier account?
An occupier account is automatically created after moving a customer out. The landlord will be responsible for this period of time.
List 5 customer rights a customer has regarding their personal information.
Right to Rectification
Right to Erasure
Right to Object
Right to Data Portability
Right to Access
Mention 5 energy saving tips we can share with a customer.
Turning off lights when not in use.
Turn off appliances by the wall.
Bleed radiators
Floor insulation
Draught protection
Shorter showers
What is an Economy 7?
Mention 4 support measures in place for financially vulnerable customers provided by Eon Next and the Government
he Winter Fuel Payment is an annual one-off payment to help the customer pay for heating during the winter between £250 and £600 tax-free. you can usually get this if born on or before 25 September 1957 ayments are made automatically into their bank accounts.
Cold: The customer will get a payment if the average temperature in their area is recorded as, or forecast to be, zero degrees celsius or below for 7 consecutive days. Apply through GOV website. If you live in Scotland you cannot get cold weather payments anymore, you might get an annual £50 winter heating payment instead, you'll get this payment regardless of weather conditions in your area.
EON Next Energy Fund:
The E.ON Next Energy Fund initiative has been created to help our customers who are experiencing financial hardship and struggling.
The fund can support with:
● Help paying gas and electricity bills through grants
● Replacing appliances if they are broken or in poor condition
It's funded by E.ON Next and is run on our behalf by Charis Grants.
Fuel Direct:
Fuel Direct is a scheme which allows us to work with the DWP to take payments direct from a
customer’s benefits if they are paid via:
• Universal Credit
• Income Based Job Seekers Allowance (JSA)
• Income Support
• Income Related Employment Support Allowance
• Pension Credit
This can be a voluntary arrangement, but where the amount to be taken from benefits is more than 25% the DWP will ask for the customer's signed consent before setting up the arrangement. In some scenarios where a customer is refusing payment or avoiding contact, we could submit a Fuel Direct application without agreement from the customer. Fuel Direct only operates while the customer is in debt and arrears are always taken at a set figure set by DWP.
COT - move out.What information do you need from your customer?
Date of move
New address
Do you know whose moving and whose responsible
Are you taking your tariff with you
Explain the different between a User,Billing name and when added to a note
A user can access online account, recieves all correspondance, financially liable and can speak on account.
Added to billing name - Financially liable and can speak on account.
Added in note- Only speak on account
Customer is worried about how the Price Cap will affect their bills , how would you deal with it?
Soft skills would really help you out here, being able to use attentive listening, to repeat back to the customer to confirm understanding and to let them know we will take full ownership of their query and help as best we can will always be a good first step in reassuring the customer that we will try our best.
Empathy will be a significant factor in ensuring your customer feels listened to and heard. Tone of voice and a supportive approach can make all the difference to a challenging conversation where customers are worried about a price cap change.
[click to reveal] If a customer tells us they feel like they can’t afford their monthly direct debits, this should always result in an ability to pay conversation. Remember, they’re worried about maybe not just themselves, but their families too. Ask open questions and use verbal nods and confirmation to get the most out of your conversation so we’re in the best position to be able to help.ATP Conversation/tariff checked/DD change
Name 8 types of meter readings
Ops Reading (Agents edited)
Customer reads
Estimated reads
Transfer read (Comes from other supplier if old supplier went bust)
COS read
COT read
Meter reader
Smart meter