this years christmas calender, in swedish*
what is " snödrömmar"?
girl with lights that comes when it´s coldest and darkest
What is Lucia?
Christmas presents are distributed on this date in Denmark
What is december 24th?
årets julkalender
Vad är snödrömmar?
shown every year on christmas eve at 3 p.m
What is Donald Duck´s Christmas?
Santa´s hometown
what is the North Pole?
Christmas presents are distributed on this date in England
What is december 25th?
Maträtt som mandeln sätts i
vad är julgröt?
The series about the popular Swedish family, of whutch an episode is always shown on christmas eve
What is svensson svensson
Swedish city where they always burn the Christmas goat
What is gävle/gavle?
Christmas presents are distributed on this date in Australia
What is december 25th?
they distribute the christmas presents to the Spanish children
what are the three wise men?
Christmas presents are distributed on this date in Spain
What is januari 6th?
popular christmas animal seasoned whit saffron
what is saffron bun?
Christmas presents are distributed on this date in Russia
What is januari 7th?