What are Genes made of?
sequences of DNA
What are some examples of inherited traits?
what are acquired traits?
characters produced by the influence of the environment.
What are alleles?
the alternative form or versions of a gene.
What are 3 traits that are not inherited?
table manners, greeting customs, a preference for certain types of foods, and parenting skills
What are learned traits?
those traits that are acquired through experience.
What is heredity?
the passing on of genes and genetic traits from parent to offspring
What are inherited traits?
a particular genetically determined charac- teristic or quality that distinguishes somebody
What is the correct definition of an acquired trait?
A phenotype characteristic of an organism, that is acquired during the growth and development of an individual
what are alleles made out of?
one of two or more versions of DNA sequence (a single base or a segment of bases) at a given genomic location.
What does Inherited traits include?
eye color and blood type.
What are examples of acquired traits?
knowledge, ideas, skills, and weight,
What are genes?
The functional and physical unit of heredity passed from parent to offspring.
What is the definition of inheritable traits?
the traits or characteristics that are transferred from parents to the offspring, genetically.
What are five acquired traits?