Princess of the Phaeacians
Who is Nausicaa?
Visits Nausicaa in a dream
Who is Athena
out he stalked
as a mountain lion exultant in his power
strides through wind and rain and his eyes blaze
and he charges sheep or oxen or chases wild deer
but his hunger drives him on to go for flocks,
even to raid the best-defended homestead.
Who is Odysseus
Nausicaa's state when Odysseus meets her
What is nude, oiled, and playing ball with her friends
God holy to Phaeacians because they are great sailors
Athena planted
courage within her heart, dissolved the trembling in her limbs,
and she firmly stood her ground and faced Odysseus
Who is Nausicaa
Odysseus' actions towards Nausicaa
what is standing far off and asking her for help and guidance
God Nausicaa suggests controls all fortunes
"I won't deny you the mules,
my darling girl ... I won't deny you anything.
Off you go, and the men will harness a wagon,
the tall one with the good smooth wheels,
fitted out with a cradle on the top."
Who Is King Alcinous
Nausicaa's actions towards Odysseus
What is helps him wash and oil himself, provides him with clothes
Huntress goddess Odysseus compares Nausicaa to
sat at the hearth with several waiting- women,
spinning yarn on a spindle, lustrous sea-blue wool
Who is Queen Arete
Nausicaa's motivation for doing laundry
Reason Athena holds off on helping Odysseus immediately at the grove
What is she is still wary of Poseidon, suggesting he still has more power in this location
"She stood in awe of her Father's brother, lord of the sea
who still seethed on,"
Who is Athena