This person is known for doing a "mean" backwards worm.
Who is Mikaela Thomas?
This person's tagline is "Have a Wonderful Day"
Who is Kelly Stoffel
This person is most likely to own a tattoo shop and give tattoos.
Who is Shannah James.
This person organized a helicopter supply drop to a staffer's flood-impacted town.
Who is Kristen Little?
This staffing director got a fat lip while stunting at camp and instead of icing it, they put on lip kit and continued with camp.
Who is Rica Charleston.
This person coined the phrase "Go Be Great"
Who is Cenie Royal
This staffing director is known by their staff for impeccable fashion, style and grace.
Who is Ginger Hauser.
This person noticed a staffer didn't have money for bowling and quietly covers them by saying "here's my card, would you go grab our bowling shoes and get us both a snack".
Who is Brian Cao.
A staffer got into a car accident on their way to camp and called this staffing director before calling the police.
Who is Jesa Herman?
This person is known for posting "Update your UKG" on every BAND post.
Who is Ashley Cormier
This person makes a mean spaghetti and meatballs.
When asked to describe their staffing director a large majority of this person's staff said "Sweet".
Who is Elizabeth Salsgiver?
This staffing director got into their car immediately after getting a call from a panicked new HI and drove to camp to assist.
Who is Kelby Dressler?
Who is Flora Price
This person can likely be found cheering on the Dodgers
Who is Cheryl Keeney?
This staffing director is known for being cool as a cucumber in ANY situation.
Who is Autumn Hooks?
This staffing director often says "ALLLLRIGHTY GUYS"
Who is Michelle Phythian-Evans
This person owns a large collection of headbands.
Who is Ashley Johnson?
The most frequent comment this person's staff said about them was that they inspired them to be a better coach.
Who is Katie Bowers?