British Home Children
Black Immigrants
Yukon Gold Rush/Agricultural/Forestry Camps
CPR & Irish Potato Famine
Late 1900s Immigration

Who are the British Home Children?

They are orphans and children from poor families who immigrated to Canada to be labourers in farms in Ontario. 


Who are the Black Loyalists?

They are African (Black) people who fought for the British in the War of American Independence and were given certificates of freedom from the British. They are now known as the Black Loyalists. 


What is the Yukon Gold Rush?

American immigrants went to the Yukon in search of gold during the late 1800s.


What does CPR stand for? Who immigrated to help build it?

Canadian Pacific Railway.

Chinese immigrants helped build it.


List 5 immigrant groups who immigrated to Canada in the late 1900s/early 2000s.

Indian, Jamaican, Latin American (Columbia, Mexico, El Salvador, Peru, Chile, Brazil, Venezuela, Guatemala, Ecuador, Cuba), Middle Eastern (Iranian, Syrian, Lebanese, Iraq, Palestinian/Israeli). 


How were the Home Children's experiences in Canada?

Their stories tell us that most of them had bad experiences, while some had positive experiences. It depended on the farm owners/families. 


What is the Underground Railroad?

It was a network of routes for Black enslaved people to use to get freedom from the U.S.A to Canada. 

Extra: The abolitionists helped them escape.


What are two opportunities and two challenges of the Yukon Gold Rush?


  1. Economic growth (more money)

  2. Boomtowns led to electricity and phone service


  1. Dangerous/harsh winter conditions  

  2. Overcrowded


What is the Irish Potato Famine?

In Ireland, they ate a lot of potatoes. A disease attached the crops, and 1,000,000 people died because of this. A lot of Irish people immigrated to Canada. 


How many Europeans immigrated to Canada after WWII?

Around 800,000 people.


Approximately how many Home Children immigrated to Canada?

Around 100,000


Who are the Black Refugees?

The Black Refugees fought in the War of 1812 for the British. Like Black Loyalists, they were offered freedom to escape from America to Canada, specifically to Nova Scotia.


What are two opportunities and two challenges of Agricultural Immigration?

2 opportunities: jobs and free land, homes and a stable life 

2 challenges: hard work (weather conditions), cultural barriers 


What is the Head Tax?

Chinese immigrants had to pay for staying in Canada. $50 head tax was imposed on every Chinese person seeking entry into Canada. The head tax followed the building and completion of the Canadian Pacific Railway (1881-85), which brought Chinese workers to Canada. These workers were needed as a labour force but not deemed desirable as citizens because of their country of origin. The head tax was raised to $100 in 1900 and to $500 in 1903.


What is the Komagata Maru?

Immigration officials did not allow the ship to dock and the passengers were isolated on board, unable to communicate with the South Asian community on shore. In the weeks that followed, conditions on the ship, including access to food and water, grew desperate. On 23 July 1914, the Komagata Maru left Vancouver harbour with the majority of its passengers aboard and returned to India after 2 months on board.


Why was this program (bringing children from England to Canada) both a solution and a challenge?

Name 2 solutions and 2 challenges.

1) It was a solution for British orphanages and poor families because they couldn't afford food or shelter for their kids, so they thought immigrating to Canada would be a better opportunity. 2) It was a solution for farm owners because they used the children for cheap labour.

1) It was a challenge for the British Home Children because most of them were treated poorly with cheap labour and abuse. 2) It was a challenge for the families because they could not communicate with each other. They were split.  


How were the Black immigrants (Black Loyalists and Black Refugees) treated?

They were treated poorly in Nova Scotia, Canada. They were promised free land and good work, but they did not either. The White Loyalists got the land and got the jobs, so many black people were left jobless and struggled to find jobs. 


What are two opportunities and two challenges of Forestry Camps?

2 opportunities: earn money and community building 

2 challenges: unsafe , far from families and long hours

What are 2 opportunities and 2 challenges of the CPR?

1. Economic growth for Canada

2. Connects provinces


1. Chinese labourers were very poorly paid 

2. Chinese labourers died and got injured


What is the Immigration Act of 1919?

More restrictive immigration rules in response to the postwar economic downturn, labour unrest and growing anti-foreign sentiment. Immigrants from enemy alien countries were denied entry and the restricted categories of political dissidents were expanded.


What did they recently find in Toronto relating to the British Home Children?

They found a cemetery where 2 graves hold 75 children, where evidence shows they were killed through abuse and/or injury of cheap labour. 


Who are the abolitionists?

They are people who fought to end slavery in the late 1700s/early 1800s.


What are Boomtowns? Where did they form?

A community that grows quickly and suddenly. Boomtowns happened in the Yukon. 


What is the Gross-Ile Memorial for Irish immigrants?

Grosse Île commemorates the significant waves of Irish immigration welcomed to Canada. More than five thousand ended their journey buried on this island.


What is the Immigration Act of 1978?

In 1978, Canada enacted a new Immigration Act that, for the first time, affirmed Canada's commitment to the resettlement of refugees from oppression
