The system of social and moral ideas of a group of people; a commitment to central values.
The tendency towards increasing global interconnections in culture, economy and social life.
Pascoe argues that this "..." prevents critical engagement with issues of social justice and equality.
Culture of Kindness/Ideology of Kindness
Mutual exchange or obligation between people
A type of ritual, a ceremony designed to transition individuals between life stages
Rite of passage
This type of co-existence refers to participation in the shared institutions of society between majority and minority, combined with the maintenance of group identity and some degree of cultural distinctiveness.
Patterns by which racial inequality is structured through key cultural institutions, policies, and systems.
Institutional Racism
What does Robert Murphy believe to be the most difficult psychological syndromes associated with disability, and the most destructive one ..
Loss of Self-Esteem
According to Structural Functionalism, all societies aim to achieve this ..
Stability, equilibrium
Simplistic descriptions of cultural traits in other groups which are conventionally believed to exist.
Cultural construction of the individual as a social, corporeal (having a body), and psychological entity.
The "Self"
Religious followers of the Hindu Mother Goddess Bahuchara Mata, who is often depicted as transgender. Please name the group of people/community
Seth Holmes believes that on top of structural violence Triqiue migrants are subject to another form of violence where powerless people internalize beliefs that they have brought their problems on themselves
Symbolic violence
A group of people who share a common interest, or a common ecology and locality, or a common social system or structure.
An abstract concept derived from all social institutions and social relations existing in a society. Generally seen as the resilient, regulating aspects of society that constrain the actions of its members.
Marriage between one woman and two or more men
This model defines Health as an absence of disease or dysfunction, and illnesses are thought to be the result of specific, identifiable agents.
Structural functionalist argue that these are primary forms of social organization that predetermines an individual's identity
Family & Kinship
The effect an anthropologist’s own subjectivity might have on how they interprets observations and experience. (Be careful: Not reflexivity)
Form of power, the ability to create consent and agreement within a population without direct force or coercion.
Framework used to understand how multiple social categorizations—such as race, gender, class, sexuality, ethnicity interact to create overlapping systems of discrimination, privilege, and power within a specific cultural context
State the at least two symbols discussed and presented in “Shapes in the wax” ethnographic film
Wax & "Babki"
A system of symbols that acts to establish understandings of existence in such a way that it is realistic to its followers. It is generally supported and perpetuated by ritual.
The idea of social positions being encoded in and determined by our race as well as gender. According to these belief, race is a genetic reality that regulates how we behave as individuals.
Biological determinism