Where does Taylor Swifts boyfriend work?
Kansas City Chiefs
In which country is Interpol located?
What is the capital of Turkey?
What type of creature is a bandy-bandy?
Issa snake
How many countries are a part of the European Union?
Ireland, Malta, Cyprus
What are the only three countries starting with J?
Japan, Jordan, Jamaica
How many political parties are there in the Danish parliament?
12 (14 with Greenland and Faraoe islands)
What is the smalles country in the world?
Vatican City
What is the 6th most spoken language in the world?
The two highest waterfalls in Europe are both in which country?
How many billion cups of tea does the British drink a year?
60 Billion (+-5 billion)
If the body of water called Øresund between Denmark and Sweden is frozen and the Swedes try to cross it, what are the Danes, by law, allowed to do?
How many countries are there in Africa?