Which planet has humans on it
What is a dog?
Just say your answer
What country do we live in
what is the hottest planet in the solar system
Name 2 types of tigers
White tiger and Siberian tooth tiger
What is Canada neighbour
Which planet has 63 moons
A. Jupiter. B. Saturn
Tallest animal ever . A. Dinosaruesahty or Dreadnoughtus.
Dreadnoughtus is 85. Feet tall and I made the other one up
A bientôt
French, France
What colour is mercury
A. Red B.light gray
Light gray
What is the biggest animal in the world? Hint elephant or Blue whale or malyeoytu
Blue whale I made maleoytu
Which country mined the first diamonds russia or india
What asteroid is worth $ 700 quintillion dollars
A.tony 8 quad or 16 psyche
16 psyche i made the other one
How long can a snail sleep for . Hint 2-5 years
3 years
What empire was the biggest ever. British empire or the mongol empire
British empire