My birthday
What is December 12, 2005?
The habit I did not get rid of until third grade
What is thumb-sucking?
The age I started my period
What is 14?
The age of my first kiss
What is 15?
My favorite food from the Dish
What is the hashbrowns?
My first pet
What is Dorothy the Goldfish?
The grade I got glasses
What is first grade?
The sports that I played during this time
What is Cross Country and Dance?
The age I lost my virginity? (Bonus: on what holiday?)
What is 15?
The event that led to me waking up in Greenwood
What is a DG date party?
The age I was when my brother was born
What is 4?
The reason I looked like a child of abuse in all of the pictures taken during my first time at Disney World
What is backflipping out of a swing?
The age I got my braces on/off
What is 10-13?
The year (grade) I did all of my partying
What is sophomore year?
My go-to drink at the bar
What is a vodka cran?
I was born with this condition
What is Hip Dysplasia?
The sports I played during middle school
What is Dance, Gymnastics, Softball, and Soccer?
My best friends at this time
What is Ann Gerard, Lucy, and Sophie?
My first experience smoking weed
What is getting high with Domebob the night before a Biology test?
The time I go to bed most nights
What is 1 a.m.?
The occupants of my childhood home
What is me, my nana, and my mom?
The surgery I had in second grade
What is adenoidectomy and functional endoscopic sinus surgery?
What is hitting a Juul and jumping off the roof onto a trampoline?
Out of 62, what was my class rank?
What is seventh?
My major and minor
What is Psychology and Chemistry?