What sea is closest to Central America and the Caribbean Islands?
What is the Caribbean Sea?
Many Indian rulers claimed to be descended from a ______ __________
Which civilization had floating farms and 20 number system?
Who was the Aztec
All Native Americans have different ______________
What are customs?
Housing structures were different in many regions because of a difference in ______________
The Central Mexican Plateau is in what country
What is Mexico
This played a huge role in Aztec Culture
What is religion?
What impact did farming adaptations from the Aztec have on population? Increase or decrease?
Increase! More food=more people
The Incans and indigenous West Africans preserved their culture through ___________ ___________
Oral History
The Inca did this to adapt for farming in the Andes Mountains
Terrace Farming
Name the mountain range in North America that is closest to the East Coast
What is the Appalachian Mountains
This group lived in the Arctic / Subarctic
Who are the Inuit
This group also used slash and burn as a farming technique in swampy lands
Who are the Mayans
Native American cultures were different from one another and in some ways similar. What is one way they are different?
The Mayans structured their society by dividing the population into what?
What are city-states
Geography impacts how people live. In North American Indian cultures there were many different ________________ created because of geography.
What are cultures
This was the largest city in Mesoamerica
What was Tenochtitlan
Fertile and Rich
From the chart you completed on American Indian cultures, what can you determine about culture in different regions
The culture was diverse
The Aztec used this water source to help with farming
What are swamps
The Great Plains are in _____________ America
These two groups were found in the Tennessee region
Who were the Chickasaw and Cherokee
This is a farming technique by the Eastern Woodlands to help clear the land with fire
What is slash and burn
Native American Indian cultures have _____________ languages
What Mayan achievement tells us they had advanced knowledge of astronomy?
The Mayan calendar