Exercises play a vital role in ________________?
The player Hotwash is a meeting that provides an opportunity to discuss exercise strengths and ____________ immediately following the conduct of an exercise.
Best practices
Areas for improvement
Venue selection
The ____________________ is a web-based application that allows the whole community access to a wide variety of resources to manage preparedness activities.
Preparedness Toolkit (PrepToolkit)
Preparedness Toolkit (PrepToolkit)
During exercise design and development, the ________________members use the intent and guidance of senior leaders and the program priorities to shape the individual or series of exercises.
Exercise planning team
First responders
HazMat team
Exercise planning team
The foundation of the HSEEP doctrine incorporates lessons learned and _____________ from the exercise community.
Critical tasks
Best practices
Exercise objectives
Best Practices
All of the following are elements of the HSEEP Cycle, except
Improvement planning
Design and development
The Controller/Evaluator Debrief allows each controller, facilitator, and evaluator an opportunity to provide an overview of the__________ and discuss the strengths and areas for improvement.
Functional area observed
Master control cell
Functional area observed
Program management is the process of ___________ a variety of exercises over time.
Overseeing and integrating
Allocating resources
Overseeing and integrating
Exercise Director is responsible for the _______ on the HSEEP Cycle for an individual exercise.
Hiring of personnel
Lunch selection
Strategic oversight and direction
Strategic oversight and direction
The purpose of the Integrated Preparedness Planning Workshop(IPPW) is to use the guidance provided by senior leaders to identify and set preparedness priorities and develop a______________.
Response plan
Multi-year schedule of preparedness activities
All-hazards plan
Exercise budget plan
Multi-year schedule of preparedness activities
The exercise planning team is typically formed following the_________.
Concept and Objectives (C&O) Meeting
Midterm planning meeting (MPM)
Final planning meeting (FPM)
Initial planning meeting (IPM)
Concept and Objectives (C&O) Meeting
The ___________ is a document that the exercise team uses to collect observed strengths, areas for improvement, and input about exercise conduct and logistics from participants.
Controller/ Evaluator Handbook
Exercise Evaluation Guide (EEG)
Facilitator/ Evaluator Handbook
Participant Feedback Form
Participant Feedback Form
Discussion-based exercises include seminars, workshops, games, and _________.
Tabletop exercises (TTX)
Full scale exercises (FSE)
Functional exercises (FE)
Tabletop exercises (TTX)
The _____________ is an individual that oversees all facets of the evaluation process, to include recruiting, assigning, and training evaluators.
Lead Evaluator
MSEL Manager
Lead Controller
Resource Lead
Lead Evaluator
Evaluation connects the exercise to Improvement Planning and feeds into the overall ________________.
Exercise Plan (ExPlan)
Situation Manual (SitMan)
Integrated Preparedness Cycle
After Action Report
Integrated Preparedness Cycle
For less complex exercises and for organizations with limited resources, the __________ Meeting can be conducted in conjunction with the IPM.
Final planning meeting (FPM)
Concept and Objectives (C&O) Meeting
Midterm planning meeting (MPM)
Master Scenario Events List (MSEL) meeting
Concept and Objectives (C&O) Meeting
Improvement Planning is a process by which the areas forimprovement from the exercise are turned into concrete,___________ that strengthen capabilities.
SMART Objectives
Exercise Objectives
Capability Targets
Measurable Corrective Actions
Measurable Corrective Actions
Operations-based exercises include drills, full-scale exercises(FSE), and ________________.
Functional exercises (FE)
Functional exercises (FE)
The _______________ is an individual that manages the timely and accurate delivery of injects and player expected actions and decides on the need to release contingency injects.
Administration Lead
Exercise Director
MSEL Manager
Ground Truth Advisor
MSEL Manager
Exercise observation and data collection can differ between discussion-based exercises and __________.
Operations-based exercises
TableTop Exercises (TTX)
Operations-based exercises
Master Scenario Events List (MSEL) Meeting is a meeting for_____________ exercises that serves as a forum to build the MSEL in detail.
Corrective actions captured in the ____________ should be tracked and continually reported on until completion.
Participant Feedback Form
Exercise Evaluation Guide (EEG)
After-Action Report Improvement Plan (AAR/IP)
Facilitator/ Evaluator Handbook
After-Action Report Improvement Plan (AAR/IP)
The ____________ provides evaluators/note takers with a standardized tool to guide data collection and capture performance results.
Facilitator / Evaluator Handbook
Participant Feedback Form
Exercise Evaluation Guide (EEG)
Controller / Evaluator Handbook
Exercise Evaluation Guide (EEG)
During development of corrective actions, the _______________ assumes the responsibility for the identified issues.
Identified Point of Contact
Lead Evaluator
Lead Controller
Exercise Director
Identified Point of Contact
Identifying strengths, areas for improvement, and corrective actions that result from exercises help jurisdictions/organizations build, sustain, and deliver _____________ as part of a continuous improvement process.
Exercise Objectives
MSEL Injects
Measurable Corrective Actions