What does Gospel mean?
Good news
Who was John the Baptist's mother?
What were the Jews told to do so death would pass over their houses?
Put the blood of a lamb on their door post.
When Jesus told the fishermen to put their nets back into the water, what happened?
They caught many fish!
What three gifts were brought by the Magi?
What was Matthew's job before he was a disciple?
Tax collector
How did Mary and Joseph know that Mary's baby was the Messiah?
They were told by an angel.
What did the devil try to get Jesus to turn stones into?
What did Jesus say to the paralyzed man that was shocking?
Your sins are forgiven
Get up and walk!
Which disciple was not a Jew?
Marks gospel was written to...
The Romans
What did King Herod want to do to Jesus?
Kill him.
Where did Jesus perform his first miracle?
At a wedding in Cana
What did the disciples think they saw in the storm on Lake Galilee?
A ghost.
Which angel spoke to Mary?
What book of the Bible did John write when he was on an island?
What two people were at the Temple when Jesus was baptised?
Simeon and Anna
What did the people in the temple want to do to Jesus after he spoke in the synagoue in Nazarteth?
Throw him off a cliff.
What did Jesus say to the wind and waves after he had been awoken by the disciples?
What feast had Mary, Joseph and Jesus been to when Jesus stayed behind in the temple?
The passover
Where did Matthew and John get their information to write their gospels?
They saw it with their own eyes.
What did John the Baptist call the religious leaders from the temple?
A nest of poisonous snakes.
What can we use to protect us from the devil's attacks?
The armor of God.
How much money did Phillip think it would take to feed 5000 people?
As much as a person earned in 8 months!
Why was Jesus called the Lamb of God?
He died as a sacrifice for our sins.