_________ is the study of Earth and it's people.
The term ________ refers to a particular place.
Studying _____-___________ ____________ allows geographers to explore relationship between people and the environment.
The theme of place refers to how we describe what a ________ is like.
In the theme of _______, we study how people, resources, and ideas move.
The themes of geography ________, _____, _____-___________ ___________, _______, and ______.
location, place, human-environment interaction, movement, and region.
________ _________ tells us where something is in relation to something else.
Relative location
People need ____, _______, and ________.
food shelter and clothing
Each place has different ________ _______________ that are part of its natural environment.
physical characteristics
Throughout _______, people explore new places for various reasons.
A __________ is a scientist who thinks about how people live and work in their environment.
The ________ ________ of a place is its exact location.
absolute location
For example, people build _____,______, and _____ to meet their needs for shelter, education, and transportation.
homes schools and roads
These might include _______, _________, ______, and ______.
forests, mountains,oceans, and rivers.
We call this kind of movement from one place to another _________.
Sometimes the environment is polluted or people in the environment are __________ __ ___ ___.
struggling in some way
We can find absolute location on a map by using ________ and __________ _____.
vertical and horizontal lines
People adapt to their environment when they respond to the ______ and ______ __________ available in different areas.
climate and natural resources
A place's ______ ______________ come from human ideas and interactions that people have with their environment.
human characteristics
Ideas move with people as they ______ from _____ to _____.
travel from place to place
They can even help us look at solution, like finding new places to grow ____ or _______ to live.
food or places
_____________ are people how create maps.
The environment can affect the kinds of _______ people wear, the ____ they have, and ___ they eat.
clothes, jobs, and food
A place's human characteristics include the boundaries of _____, ______, and _____.
states, cities, and towns.
Goods are moved from _____ to _____ in many ways.
place to place