I am often bright but never brighten. I mark the passage of time, greeting the New Year with glow and light. What am I?
I begin the year with cold and cheer, The first of twelve, as I appear.
What am I, marking new days,
In the calendar’s endless maze?
Dunyoda uch xil odamlar bor. Birinchilar Santa Klaus borligini bilishadi, boshqalar bunga ishonmaydilar, lekin uchinchisi kim?
Santa Klaus
Nimaning besh barmog‘i boru
Lekin birorta ham tirnog‘i yo‘q?
I am long, slender, and used to keep time. At midnight, I will ring to welcome the New Year. What am I?
A clock.
I light up the sky with colors so bright,Seen on the New Year’s first night.What am I, a dazzling show,Exploding above, from high to low?