How many children can work with each adult in a two-year-old setting?
What month is the full census in?
Name an area of learning from the EYFS.
What was the pass score in the phonics screening last year?
Daniel Willingham said that 'memory is the residue of...'
Which Inspire school has the most children on roll in a Nursery (last week)?
Ackton Pastures - 47.48 children
How often should fire extinguishers be visually checked?
Complete the opening line:
There was once a duck who had the bad luck to...
live with a lazy farmer.
What was the national average for combined RWM KS2 in 2024?
What was Vygotsky's first name?
How many children are there in our Trust, to the nearest 100?
What does DSG and GAG stand for in academy finance?
Dedicated schools grant
General annual grant
What are the two early learning goals in expressive art and design?
Creating with Materials and Being Imaginative and Expressive
What was the national GLD in 2024?
67.7% (accept 68%)
Name one of Piaget's four stages of cognitive development.
(1) sensorimotor intelligence
(2) preoperational thinking
(3) concrete operational thinking
(4) formal operational thinking
How many children are there in education in West Yorkshire to the nearest 10, 000?
What, from the DfE, is considered the lowest temperature for a scalding risk for tap water in a school?
43 degrees
What is the indoor space requirement per two-year-old?
Two-year-olds: 2.5m2 per child.
What was the combined RWM for KS2 for disadvantaged pupils in 2024?
CTE was cited by John Hattie as having the largest impact on pupil outcomes from a meta study, what does CTE stand for?
Collective teacher efficacy