What must be worn at all times around college?
Student Pass
What colour lanyards do the safeguarding team wear?
Who would you report a Prevent issue to?
Safeguarding team and or the police
Who can you speak to if you are struggling with your Mental Health?
Friends, Family, Lecturers, Student Mentor, Mental Health Lead, Doctor - anyone you trust can confide in
Which animal is known as the "King of the Jungle"?
Where are the student mentors based?
Student Hub
Who can you report a safeguarding issue to?
Lecturer, Student mentor, Safeguarding team
Name the 5 British Values
How many pieces of fruit or vegetables should you eat per day?
Which planet is closest to the Sun?
What day do you break up for Christmas?
Wednesday 18th December
What is the definition of Safeguarding?
Safeguarding means protecting someone's health, well-being, and rights, especially to keep them safe from harm, abuse, or neglect
What is the main aim of the Prevent duty
To stop people from being drawn into terrorism or supporting extremist ideologies
How many hours of sleep should you get per night?
7-9 hours
What is the largest ocean on Earth?
Pacific Ocean
Who is your favourite student mentor?
Mollie (duh)
what is the email address for the safeguarding team?
Give the 3 main words associated with Prevent
Radicalisation - The process where someone is influenced to adopt extreme beliefs or ideas, often leading them to support harmful or illegal actions.
Extremism - Having or supporting beliefs that go far beyond what most people consider acceptable, especially when these beliefs reject democratic principles, tolerance, or the rule of law.
Terrorism - The use of violence, fear, or intimidation to achieve political, religious, or ideological goals.
How much water should an average adult drink each day?
2 litres
Which fruit is known for keeping the doctor away?
What is the name of the college principle?
Matt Burgess
How would you report sexual harassment?
Contact everyones invited
If someone was referred to the police for a Prevent issue who would they then go and have a meeting with?
The Channel Panel
True or False: Regular laughter can help reduce stress and improve well-being.
How many days does Advent last?