What race is Bilbo Baggins?
What is a Hobbit?
How many Dwarves in total went on the adventure?
What lives in a hole in the ground?
What is a Hobbit?
What does Bibo's sword "Sting" symbolize?
What is bravery?
What is the "Sting"?
This character wore an old grey cloak, a long pointed hat, and a long beard. He was also said to have magnificent fireworks!
Who is Gandalf?
What was the first obstacle they ran into in The Company's adventure?
They ran into Trolls in the woods.
Who is Gollum?
What does the ring symbolize?
What is cleverness?
Gollum's name for his ring.
What is "My Precious"?
What was the name of the Lake-Town man who slayed Smaug?
Who is Bard?
Which dwarf falls into the magical river running through Mirkwood?
Who is Bombur?
What creature turns to stone when exposed to sunlight?
What is a Troll?
What does the Arkenstone Symbolize?
What is greed?
Bilbo's dominating memory of Gandalf from when Bilbo was younger.
What is a fireworks display?
Who lived in the Last Homely House?
Who is Elrond?
What happens to the Arkenstone at the end of the book?
The Arkenstone is laid on the chest of Thorin; after he dies.
What tall creatures live in the woods and live for a thousand years?
What are the Elves?
Bilbo's mother's maiden name.
Who is Took?
This character kills the Great Goblin.
Who is Gandalf?
Who is known as the "skin changer" in The Hobbit?
Who is Beorn?
Name each of the Five armies in The Battle of the Five Armies.
Dwarves Men Elves Wargs (wolf-riders) Goblins
What creatures saved Bilbo and The Company from the Goblins and Wargs?
What are the Eagles?
What is Spring?
The name of the old Raven who translates the thrush's message.
Who is Roac?