What does the term ikigai refer to?

It's a Japanese concept meaning 'a reason for being". It refers to finding purpose and fulfillment in life by aligning what you love, what you're good at, what the world needs, and what you can be paid for.


Никого не удивило, когда кандидат от партии победил с большим отрывом.

It was no surprise when the party candidate won by a landslide.


The process of renovating and improving a neighborhood, often leading to an influx of wealthier residents and businesses.



1. Скрипучее колесо всегда смазывают, а кактус никогда не поливают?

2. Imagine someone is claiming they are right, but they can't provide any evidence or supporting facts. Which idiom could be used to describe this situation? (Hint: The phrase is related to not having a foundation or support for an argument.)

The squeaky wheel gets the grease, and the cactus never gets water?

Haven't got a leg to stand on


1. The use of exaggerated language or overstatement to create emphasis or make a point. It involves presenting something as much more extreme or dramatic than it actually is, often for rhetorical or artistic effect.

2. The act of interfering in someone else's affairs or activities, often in an unnecessary or inappropriate way.

Hyperbolization. (hyperbole)



Imagine someone accuses another person of doing something they themselves do frequently. Which idiom would you use to describe this situation?

the kettle calling the pot black


1. A psychological strategy used by individuals to cope with anxiety, stress, or uncomfortable emotions. These unconscious behaviors or thought patterns help protect the person from feelings of shame, guilt, or other negative emotions. They are often automatic responses to perceived threats or difficult situations.

2. A figure of speech in which two contradictory terms are paired together to create a paradoxical effect.

3. A condition involving recurrent, persistent thoughts (obsessions) and/or repetitive behaviors (compulsions) that a person feels driven to perform in response to the obsession.

1. Defense mechanism

2. oxymoron

3. OCD


Всегда вперед" — это девиз, который он повторяет себе каждый день.

Надеюсь, все это не пустая трата времени.

"Always forward" is the motto he repeats to himself every day.

I hope this whole thing is not a wild goose chase.


1. The placement of two or more elements (characters, ideas, places, etc.) side by side to highlight their contrasts or create meaning.

2. A figure of speech in which two contradictory terms are paired together to create a paradoxical effect.

3. A formal process by which a public official, typically the president or other high-ranking officials, is charged with misconduct or illegal activity. It is the first step in removing someone from office.

4. The current holder of a political office. In elections, the ... is typically the candidate running for reelection.






Некоторые люди практикуют техники, чтобы научиться видеть осознанные сны.

Он всегда хвастается своими достижениями на работе.

Он всего лишь любитель, но его работы выглядят впечатляюще.

Предвкушение долгожданного отпуска сделало все дни до него яркими.

Some people practice techniques to learn how to experience lucid dreams.

He’s always bragging about his achievements at work.

He’s just an amateur, but his work looks impressive.

ooking forward to working with your team.

The anticipation of the long-awaited vacation made all the days leading up to it exciting.
