What does the prefix un mean?
not or opposite of; undo or reverse.
What does suffix -er/-or mean?
One who that which or more.
What is the meaning of Latin base rupt?
To burst or break.
What is the meaning of the following word sum:
The process and reverse of pack.
What is Mrs. Fowler's favorite drink?
This prefix means between or among.
Prefix inter.
This suffix means like or manner of.
suffix -ly.
What Latin base means to say or tell?
Latin base dic(t).
What is the meaning of the following word sum:
The past tense of causing joy.
What is an assimilation?
A morpheme that is spelled differently but has the same meaning.
What does prefix trans- mean?
across or beyond.
What does suffix -ful mean?
Full or full of.
What is the meaning of Latin base scrib/script?
To write.
What is the meaning of the following word sum?
Spell the word correctly.
Past tense of paying too much.
Who won the SEC championship this year?
GA Bulldogs!
This prefix means not, opposite, or apart.
Prefix dis.
This suffix means able, can do.
Suffix able/ible.
This Latin Base means to bend or curve.
What is the meaning of the following word sum:
The process of shaping beyond.
Daily Double
What is the meaning of prefix a-, ab-, an-?
On or in; to, from or away, not or without.
What does prefix -ion mean?
Act of, state of, or result of.
What is the meaning of Latin base aud.
to hear or listen.
Daily Double
Write a word sum for the following word and give its definition.
The state of building down or away from
Why is learning Morphology helpful?
It helps you break down bigger words.
It helps you widen your vocabulary.