What does Gregor wake up as?
A bug
What is Hamlet’s Father’s name?
What Country does Paul fight for?
A modern approach to studying literature and history that challenges traditional methods
New Historicism
To express sharp disapproval or criticism of (someone) because of their behavior or actions
What is Gregor's occupation?
Traveling Salesman
How did Claudius kill Hamlet’s father?
Puts poison in his ear
Where does Paul choose to spend his leave?
At home with his family
A literary theory that emphasizes the intrinsic elements and formal qualities of a literary work
Formalist Theory
Attack (a place or person) continuously with bombs, shells, or other missiles
What happens to Gregor at the end of the story?
He dies
Who speaks the “to be or not to be soliloquy?
Whose boots does everyone want?
A way of looking at history that reminds us how important it is to understand the past within its own time and place
Bold, impudent behavior
Why does Gregor’s dad throw an apple at him?
Feels a lack of humanity towards his son
How does Ophelia die?
She falls into a brook and drowns
Who dies as Paul carries him to safety?
Who would ask “How does the structure of the text contribute to its overall meaning or impact?
About to happen
Why does Gegor feel guilty about his transformation?
Because it might affect his family and work.
Why does Hamlet decide not to kill Claudius after the traveling players’ play?
He is praying
From what illness does Paul’s mother suffer?
Who would typically ask “How does the text reflect the power dynamics and social hierarchy or its historical period?
New Historicists
A person or thing regarded as a perfect example of a particular quality