What is an Arhat?
Theravada Buddhist who has become enlightened
Name one Noble Truth
Cause of suffering, existence of suffering, eightfold path, end of suffering
Name one of the three marks
anicca, dukkha, anatta
What is dependent arising?
All actions have consequences
Spell the Buddha's first name
What is a Boddhisattva
Mahayana Buddhist who has returned to help others become enlightened
What is the THIRD noble truth?
Suffering can END
What is the third mark?
Name one of the realms in the Tibetan Wheel of Life
Animals, humans, hell, hungry ghosts,
Spell the mans name who described us as being like a Chariot
Finish this quote "However innumerable _______ _____ are; I vow to save them"
Sentient Beings
Tahna and three poisons
Nagasena and the Chariot relates to which mark?
If you were GREEDY what realm would you be re-born into?
hungry ghosts
Spell the woman's name who needed mustard seeds for her dead baby?
Kisa Gotami
Name an Arhat
Kisa Gotami
Name 4 parts of the eightfold path?
Right effort
Right livelihood
Right action
Right speech
Right intention
Kisa Gotami and the Mustard seed relates to 2/3 of the marks; which ones?
Anicca and Dukkha
"Every wave _____ __ _____ ______ _____"
Relates to every other wave
The man who said every wave relates to every other wave, spell his name!
Sogyal Rinpoche
What are the three core values of a Bodhisattva
Selflessness, compassion and wisdom
Name all 4 noble truths in order:
Exists, cause, end, cure
Name at least 3 of the 5 aggregates
Form, sensation, perception, mental formations and consciousness
Who said the quote, every wave relates to every other wave?
Spell the Sanskrit word for Dependent Arising