Translate: ჯადოქარი, სული, მოჩვენება
Witch, spirit, ghost
When is Halloween celebrated ?
31st October
What do kids typically receive when they say “trick or treat” ?
What flower became a symbol of remembrance on Armistice day ?
Red poppies
Translate: coal, skeleton, spooky
ქვანახშირი, ჩონჩხი, საშინელი
What nationality was Christopher Columbus ?
When is Thanksgiving celebrated?
Every last Thursday of November
What does ”armistice“ mean ?
To stop fighting
Translate: cabbage, shamrock
კომბოსტო, სამყურა
When is Columbus Day celebrated each year in the US?
second Monday of October
What alternative name is given to Columbus Day in some states and cities ?
Indigenous people’s day
what traditional gift is often given to children during Chinese new year ?
Red envelope filled with money
Translate: გაერთიანება, განახლება, კეთილდღეობა
Reunion, renewal, prosperity
What is another name for Chinese new year ?
Spring festival
What is the final event of the Chinese New year festival ?
The Lantern festival
Translate: მკვიდრი მოსახლეობა, ეკიპაჟი, ვაჭარი
Indigenous people, crew, trader
Translate: lantern, shepherd, patron saint
ფარანი, მწყემსი, მფარველი წმინდანი
What is traditional main dish served at Thanksgiving dinner ?
Roasted turkey
What is the significance of nov.11 1919 ?
President Wilson declared it as Armistice day to commemorate the end of world war I
Translate: discovery, explorer, crucial
აღმოჩენა, აღმომჩენი, გადამწყვეტი