Why did Supergirl refuse her call to adventure?
Her sister didn't want her to.
What specific challenges does Supergirl face?
Kara faces many challenges like fighting superman and witnessing the destruction of krypton.
Does Supergirl initially refuse to return to the homeland or the place that she began the journey?
Kara feels that she made her home and family on earth so she refuses the call to go back home
Who or what helps Supergirl on her journey? Why?
Her sister (alex), her friend (winn), and her friend (jimmy olsen) and her boss (cat)
Does Supergirl battle physically or mentally with someone who is a relative or a close friend?
Kara battles with stopping her boyfriends Mon-Els family by filling the earth with led which would lead to him leaving earth.
How does Supergirl receive the call to adventure?
Kara had to use her powers when she witnessed a car crash and people saw her.
Does Supergirl face her deepest fear in the story?
She was trapped with an alien from another planet, and she had to relive her planet to die again.
Is there some point in the story when all seems hopeless, when it looks like Supergirl is going to die then suddenly she is rescued unexpectedly?
Kara gets in a fight with the red daughter and everyone thinks she is dead but gets rescued by John and the DEO
Is there a particular item that has special significance to Supergirl?
Her necklace from her mother
Does Supergirl get kidnapped, or is someone close to her kidnapped?
Kara gets kidnapped by the government and captured by the children of liberty.
What motivates Supergirl to accept the call?
Kara didn’t care about what her sister said because she felt the need to help people because no one helped her home planet.
Does Supergirl battle some kind of monster? Does she face an inner demon?
Kara gets influenced by red kryptonite that makes her do bad things that she then regrets after
Does it appear that Supergirl has conquered life in both the familiar and unfamiliar worlds?
Kara goes into an unfamiliar world to save her friend from going bad from red daughter and defeats her in life as well
At what point in the story does Supergirl leave the familiar world and move into a new, unfamiliar world?
Supergirl leaves her earth to go help The Green arrow, The flash and their friends from trouble.
Is Supergirl injured and thought to be dead?
She gets hurt while fighting with aliens, she gets stabbed in the stomach with a kryptonite dagger. She was left to bleed out.