내가 뭐라고 말했지?
what did I just say?
데리러 가다
pick up
초대하다, 초대장
invite , invitation
How do you spell 벌점 in English?
~할 것이다
~해야만 한다
~를 원하다
have to / gotta
와줘서 너무 기뻐.
I'm so glad you came.
저요! 내가 레오를 다시 데려 갈게요.
I'll do it. I'll take Leo again.
보호복, 협박하다
safety suit, threaten
뭘 쳐다봐!!!
What are you looking at?
Who took a class pet home?
Why does Eli have to keep away from nuts?
Because he's allregic to nuts.
Who's is the next level in Football?
Messi / Son / Christano Ronaldo.
이번 주에 누가 교실 애완 동물을 가져갈 만큼 규일이 있는 사람?
Who has the discipline / to take a class pet / home / this weekend?
누가 주말 내내 공부하기를 원하겠어??
Who would want to study all weekend?
난 이 고리를 통과하라고 5번이나 요청했다.
I've asked you five times to jump through this roof.