What was the definition of the COLD WAR? (Definition)
Answer: the COLD WAR is fought using propaganda, espionage (spying), and politics
When was the meeting that was for creating the United Nations?
In 1945.
What is the secretariat made up of?
The secretariat is made up to thousands of clerks, interpreters, translators, and technical experts.
What is the full name of UNICEF?
UNICEF is the United Nations International Children’s Fund.
What is Canada's stance towards the United Nations?
Canada has been a consistent and active supporter of the United Nations.
In this time, Canadian many cultural changed that took place, so what did people call this one decade of this period?
“swinging sixties”
How many countries were in the meeting? Give the three lead countries.
50 countries. Britain, the Soviet Union, and the United States.
Give the names of five permanent members.
A: The US, China, Russia, France, and the UK.
What important achievements have these specialized agencies of the United Nations achieved?
They have achieved the greatest levels of worldwide cooperation.
Who is John Humphrey?
John Humphrey is a Canadian who is often given credit for drafting the Charter of the United Nations.
What did Canadian production change to?
Answer: From addressing the needs of the wartime economy to supplying a booming nation with new and affordable consumer goods.
Why the United Nations set up?
A: 1.The League of Nations had failed in its goal to keep the peace. 2.They had no military power of collective(group's) security(safety).
Explain what’s veto powers.
A: Anyone of the permanent members could choose to block any decisions.
What kind of work has taken place within these specialized agencies of the UN?
They continue to provide assistance and aid around the world.
Which two important UN bodies is Canada mentioned to be active in?
Canada is active in the General Assembly and the Security Council.
What did Canadian government do as a middle power during the COLD WAR?
Answer: Canada was free to chart an independent course but was not as powerful as the United States, the Soviet Union, Britain, or France.
What are the four roles of United Nations:
A: 1. Keeping world peace and stopping new wars.
2. Encouraging countries to work together.
3. Defending human rights and helping to make everyone be equal.
4. Improving the standard(level) of living for all nations.
Name three important functions of the Assembly.
A: Being a forum for discussion, supervising special agencies, and controlling the budget.
What are the specialized agencies of the United Nations mentioned in the text?
The United Nations International Children's Fund, the World Health Organization, and the International Labour Organization.
What role did Lester B. Pearson play in the UN?
Lester B. Pearson played a key role in solving some of the problems faced by the UN. He received the Nobel Peace Prize for his contribution in resolving the Suez Crisis and helped to invent the very concept of peacekeeping.
Why do you think in this time Canada needed an improvement of civil rights such as black Canadians, Indigenous People, and women?
Answer: Due to the improvement of civil rights in United States and the improvement of Canadian economy and the consumer confidence
Do you think it's really right to set up the United Nations?
A: Right. because 1. makes the world to be peaceful and make countries help each other to improve. 2. make the countries connect with each other and develop together. 3. no more wars that is not for peaceful reason.
What does the International Court of Justice do when members submit disputes and have agreed to abide by its rulings?
The International Court makes rulings on disputes submitted by members if the the members have agreed to abide by its rulings.
Analyze the significance of the global cooperation achieved by these United Nations agencies?
The significance of global cooperation is the pooling of resources, knowledge and expertise, which allows us to respond more effectively to difficulties.
Do you believe Canada's support for the United Nations helps make the world a better place?
Definitely. Canada's contributions in peacekeeping, providing resources, and advocating for important causes within the UN have surely made an impact. It helps maintain stability in troubled regions and gives a voice to those in need, which is crucial for a better world. ( Own opinion)